Interview with MATT MONRO never heard in public before

Wednesday 7th February 2007:

Isle of Wight Radio’s JOHN HANNAM MEETS

Every Sunday at from 1pm until 3pm – Britain’s longest running non-stop radio chat show.

This Sunday – February 11 – John talks to

TV and movie actor RUTH GEMMELL – who starred in the movie Fever Pitch with Colin Firth. Her TV series include Band of Gold, Waking the Dead, Frost, Five Days and Silent Witness.

The Hannam Archive features an interview with MATT MONRO never heard in public before. The interview was recorded in the 80s on the Isle of Wight. EMI have just released a new CD of Matt’s for Valentine and Mother’s Day.

The interview will be played on Isle of Wight Radio on Sunday Feb 11 at 2pm. It can be heard all along the South Coast on 107FM. It can also be heard all over Britain via website

The show is into its seventeenth non-stop year. Mr. Hannam: “I was a personal friend of Matt and am friends with Mickie and Michele.”

It was primarily recorded for the notes for a newspaper interview. The interview has been cleaned up, the levels adjusted and some of Matt’s records have been put in and around it.