

Filmnotgraphy (46)

 Titles of films John Barry was alleged to be scoring in the past, but that did not happen or scores were replaced. Several titles may have been be mere speculation at the time and hold no truth whatsoever.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:51

Once Bitten

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Once Bitten

Barry wrote two demo themes, didn't get the job. Recycled them into Best Man In The World for Golden Child.

Composer: John Du Prez


Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:51

The Right Stuff

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The Right Stuff

In an interview in the late eighties, Barry said that director Phil Kaufman was a frustrated musician who was unable to get his take on the music across. At one point, to describe the music he wanted, Kaufman said: "you're walking in the desert and you see a cactus, and you put your foot on it, but it just starts growing up through your foot."

Barry told Ford Thaxton "I wrote several things and Phil Kaufman was very up on all the rest of it and everything. It was going very well, and then there were certain problems on the movie down the line, and he needed an excuse for delaying the production. The details are a little foggy now, but I've always remembered my association with Kaufman was also one of the most dishonest pieces of behavior I've ever encountered in the movie industry. I'll leave it at that."

Composer: Bill Conti (Academy Award)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:50

Clash of the Titans

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Clash of the Titans

According to writer Martyn Crosthwaite, who had conducted in-depth interviews with Barry, Barry had a disagreement with the producers over his overture and left the project having written nothing more. However, Ray Harryhausen claimed Barry's complete score was rejected as unsuitable.

In 2001 Barry told Ford Thaxton: "I can't remember for sure. I don't think I got too involved. I think I may have done some demos on that and they didn't like the way I was going with it and that was probably it."

Composer: Laurence Rosenthal

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:50

For Your Eyes Only

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For Your Eyes Only

Unavailable due to tax-related problems

Composer: Bill Conti

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:49

First Love

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First Love

Began as a song score, wasn't working. Barry hired to write a complete score, parts of which were rejected as "too mature," resulting in a hybrid song score/ Barry score. At this point, Barry asked his name be removed, but his name was seen as composer on the theatrical posters and (b) there were unmistakable Barryisms in the snippets of score that (still) remain. The director just couldn't make up her mind.
In January 2013, a limited edition of John Barry's score was released on CD by Lalalaland Records.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:49

Gulliver's Travels

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Gulliver's Travels (1972)

Peter Hunt mentioned in an interview that Barry and Black had written a substantial amount but when the film went into financial hiatus, and was effectively locked up, the whole project got shelved. When the finance came back, Hunt contacted Barry and Black, but Barry had withdrawn his music by then.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:48

The Spy Who Loved Me

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The Spy Who Loved Me

Unavailable due to tax-related problems

Composer: Marvin Hamlisch

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:48

The Man Who Fell To Earth

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The Man Who Fell To Earth

"Frances" DVD has interesting tidbits apparently reveals by interviews and commentary that Barry was offered this Nic Roeg's film. Apparently, it isn't revealed why Barry didn't do them. 

Composer: John Phillips, Stomu Yamashta

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:47

Don't Look Now

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Don't Look Now

"Frances" DVD has interesting tidbits apparently reveals by interviews and commentary that Barry was offered this Nic Roeg's film. Apparently, it isn't revealed why Barry didn't do them.

Composer: Pino Donaggio

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 15:46

Live and Let Die

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Live and Let Die

Unavailable: fell out with Harry Saltzman, and working on Billy.

Composer: George Martin / titlesong: Paul McCartney and Wings

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