"I had a good laugh over the comments on Dan Wallin's master of "BH". Who posts this nonsense on the internet? They should get their facts "straight" beforehand.
The "few year's ago" was over 20-years ago, when Dan Wallin, in fact, DID prepare a master tape under Barry's supervision. But, when he wanted way too much money from me for the transfers, I said to him, "thanks, but no thanks!". I then remixed the multi-tracks myself without Barry at hand, and released the Label X LP (and, later on, the CDs) from that. Barry objected most strongly to my mix, and refused to have anything further to do with the album. He has not spoken to me from that day forward.
Some years later I received a call from Keith Zajeck at Warner Bros. He asked me if I knew where the multi-tracks were, as they wanted to re-mix them for their DVD release. I informed him that they had long since been returned to the vaults at The Burbank Studios. Unfortunately, Warners could not find them (surprised?!).
I then suggested to Keith that he contact Dan Wallin, who would most surely have the stereo LP master which he originally prepared for me. Again, Wallin could not find the 2-track stereo master tapes.
So, you have the "true story" of "Body Heat" and the missing masters. "