Sunday, 01 March 2015 14:25

One dream at a time

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One dream at a time, day to day, night to night.
This time round we just might get it right.
One song at a time, what's the rush, why pretend?
Being sure makes more sense in the end.

The looks, the words, the feelings,
Feel true to me, can't stand this waiting.
Your eyes tell me I found you.
When I'm around you're all I see.

One dream at a time, no, that's too hard to do.
Forget all that I had said to you.
True love can take more than one dream at a time.

Music John Barry
Original Lyrics: Don Black
vocal: Jody Foster

Read 78557 times

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Bristol, UK

Geoff (owner) and Ruud (webmaster) have been running the John Barry website since June 18, 2001. This website is not endorsed by the composer's family. Use of copyrighted materials and logos are for promotional purposes only. All files on this website are for personal use only and cannot be bought or sold.
Please do not ask for permission to use John Barry music or photographs for your project -- it is not within our gift to grant this.


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